This one is very small...only 1x1 in. I don't don't why but i love working small.
This made me realize it might be fun to make some custom game pieces, so i slapped it on a little game piece holder (from 1313 Dead End Drive)
And as for the extra two legs...um well...he's a special octopus...or would it be dekapus then?
Here are TWO bonus Octo-ber entries courtesy of my two cool nephews. The first is Jo's second entry in the series. It's an army octopus (the box is what he is saying). Above him are his guns and remaining ammo (he's a big Metroid fan so he took it from that:) He obviously knows how many legs an octopus has better than i do.

The second is Cal's first entry for Octo-ber. I might have to stop posting mine if these two keep making their's so much cooler...